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SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOK: "POWER TO SUCCEED - a revolutionary handbook for the higher life"

I know that right now there are many people out there, fighting the battles of their lives to keep their heads above water. This book is a product of my interest in their struggles, for the larger story of humanity has been the story of struggles, unfulfilled dreams, poverty, sicknesses, homelessness, defeat and frustrations. Through this book, I want to affect, change, shape, encourage, direct, strengthen and lend someone out there a helping hand for I know that right now, many are down on their knees, ready to give up.

Even if you are down a 6.5 kilometre hole, beyond the reach of the experts, with challenges that no one has ever survived, this book will revive you, bring you back to the surface and give you the power to succeed.

In a thought provoking manner, the author shares the secrets of success that he has observed at work in his own life and what he has gleaned from the lives of success greats the world over, and presents the real reasons very few people taste the fruits of success in their entire lives and also shows with absolute clarity why the progress of millions of others are stalled. This book shows why the quest for success for most of mankind is cut short, what those going for success need to know and what they must do if they are already caught in this intractable web of man’s most pathetic and debilitating condition called failure and under-achievement.

The aim of this book is clear: to give your life the momentum it needs to succeed, the power to put your foot on the pedal and accelerate at the pace of your own choosing.

If you want to succeed, you must first understand how problems fit into God’s plan for humans on earth. This book shows you how to see problems as opportunities for success, for miracles and for innovative inventions. With this understanding you discover why you were created and what you have to offer to unleash the greatness buried deep within you.

Many people are much like the larvae that suddenly appears on the tree and starts foraging without taking time to understand what it takes and how to interpret her DNA in order to become a butterfly. After spending weeks on the tree without success, it became frustrated, falls to the ground and learned her lessons before achieving her vision. Some people who want to have something in life just begin to do something without understanding that you have to become something before you begin to do something. Success is an inside job.

This book teaches you how to understand your identity - how you are hard wired early enough to in order to succeed in your time and space. People who don’t will continue to look back at the litanies of missed opportunities and misdirected energies with anguish and regrets when they realize what they could have been later in their lives.

This book shows you how to turn your battles into wars by unleashing your inner warrior to claim your victories in life.

It shows you how your mentality defines who you eventually become and how to be unbending like steel when it comes to the pursuit of your goals, how to undergo the inside journey necessary to follow that path ordained for you to reach your vision.

It shows you have to recreate your mentality if yours have been affected as a result of information that seeped through your mind or as a result of the associations you have kept over time and how character determines a man’s destiny more than any other single factor.

This books shows you that the road to success is not complicated. It always leaves a broad trail for the willing heart and determined mind. It shows you that your past is not after you. It is a ghost. It helps you to understand that the reason why the ghost from your past casts its shadow over your present is not to frighten or frustrate you, but to teach you if you are willing to learn. It teaches you the urgency of the present and why you need to be ruthless in the way you manage time because it’s the most perishable resource available to man and how we manage it determines to a large extent whether we will be a success or failure in life. It teaches you that tomorrow never comes because each time what is supposed to be tomorrow comes, it is called today. You cannot predict tomorrow or the future for that matter but you can create it by what you do on daily basis. If you do what is required to be successful, you do not need to worry about tomorrow because when it arrives, you will be just fine. And any time you want to move up in life, you have to create a “crisis” by taking up a cause that is higher than you. This is a very powerful way of summoning the powers in the universe to rally around you to help you.

It shows you how focusing bends all your energies to one point and guarantees your success more than anything else.

We live in a world created based on ideas. Your brain generates millions of ideas per second. Though not all the ideas are going to be winners. Since Ideas rule our world, this book shows you how to task your brain to generate hair splitting ideas, how to harness them and develop blueprints to create new realities for the world to enjoy that will ultimately lead to your financial wellbeing.

Laziness, self-doubt, absence of zeal, lack of ambition and lack of desires or dreams and non-commitment to your work are indicators of a coming personal catastrophe. These are symptoms of a disease called smugness which has prevented millions from succeeding. This book will teach you how to unpin your imagination and let it roam. You will be surprised at your discovery and the future it will create for you.

The only thing that accompanies work is success. But there are millions all over the world with theories of wealth without work and success without sweat. Many have followed this path and have found themselves destroyed or at best in pathetic conditions. This book teaches you how to enjoy your work and profit from the work of your hands.

It’s a lie that your destiny is cast in stone at birth. This book shows you that every one of us has been given a fair opportunity to profit from the riches of the earth. And that what you choose to believe is very important to this understanding. What you believe is the results of the information you have taken into your mind from various sources over the years. If you keep company with foxes, you will eventually learn to howl.

Success is a choice. You are only a decision away. If you choose to succeed, you must have allowances in your heart for the challenges along the way. If you choose to go for success, you will make mistakes, you will fail many times, you will mess up, and your success will take a while to become visible to the ordinary eye. Don’t let any of these discourage you. This book will show you how to profit from your mistakes and try to avoid making the same mistake over and over again. It show you how you can learn from your failures and choose to re-invent yourself to do a better job the next time. Always remember that the seed of an Iroko tree is almost invisible to the eyes and takes years to germinate because it’s a massive tree that lasts for generations. Your passion and enthusiasm should be your staying power within those periods of mistakes, failures, uncertainties and lag phase before your breakthrough.

If you don’t have a dream, you can’t make a dream come true. This book shows you how to dream. And that the realization of your dream will not come by right, but by ‘fight’. God gave ancient Israel the Promised Land but he told them to go in and possess it.

In order to reach your goal, you must be proactive. This book shows you how to take care of the issues that could cut short your dream before they come up.

Don’t join yourself with people that have the wrong thinking about money, riches and material success. What you hear every day is what you will eventually become. This book teaches you the importance of moving toward extraordinary people today: people rich in knowledge, wisdom, money, grace, connections, anointing and influence.

You were created with the very life and nature of divinity. Not only did God create you in his own image, he empowered you. And you are his representative on earth. This book shows you how you can get that God kind of faith that will make you a ‘Possibilitarian’ - a mind condition that makes you believe that all things are possible and nothing is impossible within the laws of God and man.

This book unveils the one truth that has been hidden from man for thousands of years. And that truth is that you can be like God at this present time. Being like God was actually what you were created to be, in form and ability. The mystery of how God operates is now revealed in this book. With this book as a guide, you can change the wind flow system or any situation for that matter in your life because you have learned how to speak with understanding, clarity, purpose and faith.

Finally it shows you an example of what unpinning your imagination means, how to walk by faith and not by the dictates of people and circumstances around you or the amount of money in your pocket. This book proves once and for all that success is like the sun, you can see it from wherever you are if you are willing to look up.

This book is red hot. Go through it slowly; maybe one chapter or two at a time, allowing the message in it to sink in before going to the next. It is still your choice if you can go fast and still assimilate. I give you my word. After going through this book, you will never be the same again.