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As a Pastor, Motivational Speaker and Life Coach, I speak to hundreds of people face to face every week. I meet a lot of people that live below the success line and others that are unhappy with what they have achieved who express their utter helplessness concerning their situation.

I made this startling discovery that most of the problems that people go through in life are self-inflicted. You can think yourself into disaster. You can also think yourself into stupendous wealth, happiness and the good life. This human condition is the missing dimension that breaks humanity into classes: the poor, rich and wealthy; the miserable, happy and others enjoying the good life. Taking control of your thought life and funneling those thoughts into productive endeavors is what attracts the right people, circumstances and opportunities that are the critical element to a successful and fun filled life.

After many years of listening and offering counsel to people that are struggling to make ends meet and others that have resigned themselves to a life drudgery and misery, I have come to the conclusion that what they need is not money as many presuppose, what they need more than anything else is a mind transformation message. This is because they have been blighted by a strange disease of the mind called smugness. Until and unless the mind is cured from this malady, success is not possible.

The mind is the most powerful activity and interchange center within the human person where decisions that lead to failure and success are authorized every day. The mind makes more than one million decisions per minute. It makes these decisions based on information available to it. Unfortunately most of the information out there in the public space upon which the mind of the struggling majority takes decision every day are wrong.

When the mind captures the wrong message, it authorizes actions that lead to widespread poverty, suffering, failure, underachievement and the miserable life.

No one is born with a mind condition that is conformed at birth to produce failure. They are not inherited traits either but are learned habits. With the right in-feed message to the mind and a deliberate commitment to be around the right people over time, these habits can be unlearned.

My first motivation is to help people understand the consequences of feeding their minds with the wrong things and that no matter how far a man have gone down the road that lead to failure, poverty and underachievement, he can change.

Some people have the erroneous belief that since God is in control of their lives and all they have to do is pray and wait on God. God is in control as he ought to be but he cannot give us the brain for thinking and the mind for understanding and expect that we obtain everything through prayer. There are things that are required to be successful and you must be willing to do them if you want to be a success story. The earth is an intermediate product and we must take what is within our grasp to create further value in order to become successful. How to know what is required to be successful and how to do these things is what I have set out to teach in this book. This is my second motivation.

All that you need to succeed is already within you. But you must push, move and act in order to make it real. And you have to act even when fear tugs at your heart and you cannot see the other end of the road through the bends, twists and turns, but you have to keep surging forward in confident trust, hoping and believing for the best and doubting nothing. This is called faith. My third motivation for writing this book is to help readers understand that faith is the most powerful ingredient of a truly successful life.

It is the pains that I experience every day because of how the lack of understanding of these things adversely affect the wellbeing of about seven billion people on earth and the intense desire in my heart to offer a helping hand to as many that are willing to listen that I feel compelled to write this book.